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Gene Expression Literature Summary
Immunohistochemistry (section)
15.5 DPC

101 matching records from 101 references.

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Neurog3  neurogenin 3   (Synonyms: Atoh5, bHLHa7, Math4B, ngn3)
Results  Reference
1J:338878 Abarinov V, Levine JA, Churchill AJ, Hopwood B, Deiter CS, Guney MA, Wells KL, Schrunk JM, Guo Y, Hammelman J, Gifford DK, Magnuson MA, Wichterle H, Sussel L, Major beta cell-specific functions of NKX2.2 are mediated via the NK2-specific domain. Genes Dev. 2023 Jun 1;37(11-12):490-504
1J:126886 Ahnfelt-Ronne J, Jorgensen MC, Hald J, Madsen OD, Serup P, Hecksher-Sorensen J, An improved method for three-dimensional reconstruction of protein expression patterns in intact mouse and chicken embryos and organs. J Histochem Cytochem. 2007 Sep;55(9):925-30
1J:178999 Ahnfelt-Ronne J, Jorgensen MC, Klinck R, Jensen JN, Fuchtbauer EM, Deering T, Macdonald RJ, Wright CV, Madsen OD, Serup P, Ptf1a-mediated control of Dll1 reveals an alternative to the lateral inhibition mechanism. Development. 2012 Jan;139(1):33-45
1J:169647 Ait-Lounis A, Bonal C, Seguin-Estevez Q, Schmid CD, Bucher P, Herrera PL, Durand B, Meda P, Reith W, The transcription factor Rfx3 regulates beta-cell differentiation, function, and glucokinase expression. Diabetes. 2010 Jul;59(7):1674-85
1J:232360 Anastasiou V, Ninou E, Alexopoulou D, Stertmann J, Muller A, Dahl A, Solimena M, Speier S, Serafimidis I, Gavalas A, Aldehyde dehydrogenase activity is necessary for beta cell development and functionality in mice. Diabetologia. 2016 Jan;59(1):139-50
1J:187468 Arnes L, Leclerc K, Friel JM, Hipkens SB, Magnuson MA, Sussel L, Generation of Nkx2.2:lacZ mice using recombination-mediated cassette exchange technology. Genesis. 2012 Aug;50(8):612-24
1J:106430 Artner I, Le Lay J, Hang Y, Elghazi L, Schisler JC, Henderson E, Sosa-Pineda B, Stein R, MafB: an activator of the glucagon gene expressed in developing islet alpha- and beta-cells. Diabetes. 2006 Feb;55(2):297-304
1J:327292 Bakhti M, Bastidas-Ponce A, Tritschler S, Czarnecki O, Tarquis-Medina M, Nedvedova E, Jaki J, Willmann SJ, Scheibner K, Cota P, Salinno C, Boldt K, Horn N, Ueffing M, Burtscher I, Theis FJ, Coskun U, Lickert H, Synaptotagmin-13 orchestrates pancreatic endocrine cell egression and islet morphogenesis. Nat Commun. 2022 Aug 4;13(1):4540
1J:226612 Bankaitis ED, Bechard ME, Wright CV, Feedback control of growth, differentiation, and morphogenesis of pancreatic endocrine progenitors in an epithelial plexus niche. Genes Dev. 2015 Oct 15;29(20):2203-16
1J:278226 Bastidas-Ponce A, Tritschler S, Dony L, Scheibner K, Tarquis-Medina M, Salinno C, Schirge S, Burtscher I, Bottcher A, Theis FJ, Lickert H, Bakhti M, Comprehensive single cell mRNA profiling reveals a detailed roadmap for pancreatic endocrinogenesis. Development. 2019 Jun 17;146(12):dev173849
1J:309174 Bohuslavova R, Smolik O, Malfatti J, Berkova Z, Novakova Z, Saudek F, Pavlinkova G, NEUROD1 Is Required for the Early alpha and beta Endocrine Differentiation in the Pancreas. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Jun 23;22(13)
1J:146087 Bonal C, Thorel F, Ait-Lounis A, Reith W, Trumpp A, Herrera PL, Pancreatic inactivation of c-Myc decreases acinar mass and transdifferentiates acinar cells into adipocytes in mice. Gastroenterology. 2009 Jan;136(1):309-319.e9
1*J:135698 Burlison JS, Long Q, Fujitani Y, Wright CV, Magnuson MA, Pdx-1 and Ptf1a concurrently determine fate specification of pancreatic multipotent progenitor cells. Dev Biol. 2008 Apr 1;316(1):74-86
1J:193165 Choi E, Kraus MR, Lemaire LA, Yoshimoto M, Vemula S, Potter LA, Manduchi E, Stoeckert CJ Jr, Grapin-Botton A, Magnuson MA, Dual lineage-specific expression of Sox17 during mouse embryogenesis. Stem Cells. 2012 Oct;30(10):2297-308
1J:240413 Churchill AJ, Gutierrez GD, Singer RA, Lorberbaum DS, Fischer KA, Sussel L, Genetic evidence that Nkx2.2 acts primarily downstream of Neurog3 in pancreatic endocrine lineage development. Elife. 2017 Jan 10;6:e20010
1*J:170654 Das P, May CL, Expression analysis of the Islet-1 gene in the developing and adult gastrointestinal tract. Gene Expr Patterns. 2011 Mar-Apr;11(3-4):244-54
1J:153962 Desgraz R, Herrera PL, Pancreatic neurogenin 3-expressing cells are unipotent islet precursors. Development. 2009 Nov;136(21):3567-74
1J:154416 Du A, Hunter CS, Murray J, Noble D, Cai CL, Evans SM, Stein R, May CL, Islet-1 is required for the maturation, proliferation, and survival of the endocrine pancreas. Diabetes. 2009 Sep;58(9):2059-69
1*J:198394 Ejarque M, Cervantes S, Pujadas G, Tutusaus A, Sanchez L, Gasa R, Neurogenin3 cooperates with Foxa2 to autoactivate its own expression. J Biol Chem. 2013 Apr 26;288(17):11705-17
1*J:87375 Esni F, Stoffers DA, Takeuchi T, Leach SD, Origin of exocrine pancreatic cells from nestin-positive precursors in developing mouse pancreas. Mech Dev. 2004 Jan;121(1):15-25
1J:201964 Fu X, Jin L, Wang X, Luo A, Hu J, Zheng X, Tsark WM, Riggs AD, Ku HT, Huang W, MicroRNA-26a targets ten eleven translocation enzymes and is regulated during pancreatic cell differentiation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Oct 29;110(44):17892-7
1J:234058 Galloway JR, Bethea M, Liu Y, Underwood R, Mobley JA, Hunter CS, SSBP3 Interacts With Islet-1 and Ldb1 to Impact Pancreatic beta-Cell Target Genes. Mol Endocrinol. 2015 Dec;29(12):1774-86
1J:193959 Georgia S, Kanji M, Bhushan A, DNMT1 represses p53 to maintain progenitor cell survival during pancreatic organogenesis. Genes Dev. 2013 Feb 15;27(4):372-7
1J:147261 Gesina E, Blondeau B, Milet A, Le Nin I, Duchene B, Czernichow P, Scharfmann R, Tronche F, Breant B, Glucocorticoid signalling affects pancreatic development through both direct and indirect effects. Diabetologia. 2006 Dec;49(12):2939-47
1J:112173 Gierl MS, Karoulias N, Wende H, Strehle M, Birchmeier C, The Zinc-finger factor Insm1 (IA-1) is essential for the development of pancreatic beta cells and intestinal endocrine cells. Genes Dev. 2006 Sep 1;20(17):2465-78
1J:181586 Hald J, Galbo T, Rescan C, Radzikowski L, Sprinkel AE, Heimberg H, Ahnfelt-Ronne J, Jensen J, Scharfmann R, Gradwohl G, Kaestner KH, Stoeckert C Jr, Jensen JN, Madsen OD, Pancreatic islet and progenitor cell surface markers with cell sorting potential. Diabetologia. 2012 Jan;55(1):154-65
1J:214089 Hale MA, Swift GH, Hoang CQ, Deering TG, Masui T, Lee YK, Xue J, MacDonald RJ, The nuclear hormone receptor family member NR5A2 controls aspects of multipotent progenitor cell formation and acinar differentiation during pancreatic organogenesis. Development. 2014 Aug;141(16):3123-33
1J:238301 Henley KD, Stanescu DE, Kropp PA, Wright CV, Won KJ, Stoffers DA, Gannon M, Threshold-Dependent Cooperativity of Pdx1 and Oc1 in Pancreatic Progenitors Establishes Competency for Endocrine Differentiation and beta-Cell Function. Cell Rep. 2016 Jun 21;15(12):2637-50
1J:98770 Henseleit KD, Nelson SB, Kuhlbrodt K, Hennings JC, Ericson J, Sander M, NKX6 transcription factor activity is required for {alpha}- and {beta}-cell development in the pancreas. Development. 2005 Jul;132(13):3139-49
1J:184814 Horn S, Kobberup S, Jorgensen MC, Kalisz M, Klein T, Kageyama R, Gegg M, Lickert H, Lindner J, Magnuson MA, Kong YY, Serup P, Ahnfelt-Ronne J, Jensen JN, Mind bomb 1 is required for pancreatic beta-cell formation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 May 8;109(19):7356-61
1J:160260 Hufnagel RB, Le TT, Riesenberg AL, Brown NL, Neurog2 controls the leading edge of neurogenesis in the mammalian retina. Dev Biol. 2010 Apr 15;340(2):490-503
1J:80672 Jenny M, Uhl C, Roche C, Duluc I, Guillermin V, Guillemot F, Jensen J, Kedinger M, Gradwohl G, Neurogenin3 is differentially required for endocrine cell fate specification in the intestinal and gastric epithelium. EMBO J. 2002 Dec 2;21(23):6338-47
1J:255472 Jimenez-Caliani AJ, Pillich R, Yang W, Diaferia GR, Meda P, Crisa L, Cirulli V, alphaE-Catenin Is a Positive Regulator of Pancreatic Islet Cell Lineage Differentiation. Cell Rep. 2017 Aug 8;20(6):1295-1306
1J:163480 Johansson JK, Voss U, Kesavan G, Kostetskii I, Wierup N, Radice GL, Semb H, N-cadherin is dispensable for pancreas development but required for beta-cell granule turnover. Genesis. 2010 Jun;48(6):374-81
1J:166952 Kalousova A, Mavropoulos A, Adams BA, Nekrep N, Li Z, Krauss S, Stainier DY, German MS, Dachshund homologues play a conserved role in islet cell development. Dev Biol. 2010 Dec 15;348(2):143-52
1J:249276 Kang HS, Takeda Y, Jeon K, Jetten AM, The Spatiotemporal Pattern of Glis3 Expression Indicates a Regulatory Function in Bipotent and Endocrine Progenitors during Early Pancreatic Development and in Beta, PP and Ductal Cells. PLoS One. 2016;11(6):e0157138
1J:208336 Kesavan G, Lieven O, Mamidi A, Ohlin ZL, Johansson JK, Li WC, Lommel S, Greiner TU, Semb H, Cdc42/N-WASP signaling links actin dynamics to pancreatic beta cell delamination and differentiation. Development. 2014 Feb;141(3):685-96
1J:157396 Kesavan G, Sand FW, Greiner TU, Johansson JK, Kobberup S, Wu X, Brakebusch C, Semb H, Cdc42-mediated tubulogenesis controls cell specification. Cell. 2009 Nov 13;139(4):791-801
1J:159445 Kopinke D, Murtaugh LC, Exocrine-to-endocrine differentiation is detectable only prior to birth in the uninjured mouse pancreas. BMC Dev Biol. 2010;10:38
1J:164411 Lau J, Hebrok M, Hedgehog signaling in pancreas epithelium regulates embryonic organ formation and adult beta-cell function. Diabetes. 2010 May;59(5):1211-21
1J:106435 Lee CS, De Leon DD, Kaestner KH, Stoffers DA, Regeneration of pancreatic islets after partial pancreatectomy in mice does not involve the reactivation of neurogenin-3. Diabetes. 2006 Feb;55(2):269-72
1J:220325 Lemaire LA, Goulley J, Kim YH, Carat S, Jacquemin P, Rougemont J, Constam DB, Grapin-Botton A, Bicaudal C1 promotes pancreatic NEUROG3+ endocrine progenitor differentiation and ductal morphogenesis. Development. 2015 Mar 1;142(5):858-70
1*J:206212 Leung KK, Liang J, Zhao S, Chan WY, Leung PS, Angiotensin II type 2 receptor regulates the development of pancreatic endocrine cells in mouse embryos. Dev Dyn. 2014 Mar;243(3):415-27
1J:272578 Liu J, Banerjee A, Herring CA, Attalla J, Hu R, Xu Y, Shao Q, Simmons AJ, Dadi PK, Wang S, Jacobson DA, Liu B, Hodges E, Lau KS, Gu G, Neurog3-Independent Methylation Is the Earliest Detectable Mark Distinguishing Pancreatic Progenitor Identity. Dev Cell. 2019 Jan 7;48(1):49-63.e7
1J:246200 Lof-Ohlin ZM, Nyeng P, Bechard ME, Hess K, Bankaitis E, Greiner TU, Ameri J, Wright CV, Semb H, EGFR signalling controls cellular fate and pancreatic organogenesis by regulating apicobasal polarity. Nat Cell Biol. 2017 Nov;19(11):1313-1325
1J:346058 Lu P, Xu J, Shen X, Sun J, Liu M, Niu N, Wang Q, Xue J, Spatiotemporal role of SETD2-H3K36me3 in murine pancreatic organogenesis. Cell Rep. 2024 Feb 27;43(2):113703
1J:137207 Lynn FC, Sanchez L, Gomis R, German MS, Gasa R, Identification of the bHLH factor Math6 as a novel component of the embryonic pancreas transcriptional network. PLoS One. 2008;3(6):e2430
1*J:132315 Lynn FC, Skewes-Cox P, Kosaka Y, McManus MT, Harfe BD, German MS, MicroRNA expression is required for pancreatic islet cell genesis in the mouse. Diabetes. 2007 Dec;56(12):2938-45
1*J:122373 Lynn FC, Smith SB, Wilson ME, Yang KY, Nekrep N, German MS, Sox9 coordinates a transcriptional network in pancreatic progenitor cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Jun 19;104(25):10500-5
1J:193904 Ma F, Chen F, Chi Y, Yang S, Lu S, Han Z, Isolation of pancreatic progenitor cells with the surface marker of hematopoietic stem cells. Int J Endocrinol. 2012;2012:948683
1J:178160 Ma F, Haumaitre C, Chen F, Han Z, Comparison of murine embryonic pancreatic development in vitro and in vivo. Pancreas. 2011 Oct;40(7):1012-7
1J:87162 Maestro MA, Boj SF, Luco RF, Pierreux CE, Cabedo J, Servitja JM, German MS, Rousseau GG, Lemaigre FP, Ferrer J, Hnf6 and Tcf2 (MODY5) are linked in a gene network operating in a precursor cell domain of the embryonic pancreas. Hum Mol Genet. 2003 Dec 15;12(24):3307-14
1J:178171 Magenheim J, Klein AM, Stanger BZ, Ashery-Padan R, Sosa-Pineda B, Gu G, Dor Y, Ngn3(+) endocrine progenitor cells control the fate and morphogenesis of pancreatic ductal epithelium. Dev Biol. 2011 Nov 1;359(1):26-36
1J:267771 Mamidi A, Prawiro C, Seymour PA, de Lichtenberg KH, Jackson A, Serup P, Semb H, Mechanosignalling via integrins directs fate decisions of pancreatic progenitors. Nature. 2018 Dec;564(7734):114-118
1J:195141 Mastracci TL, Anderson KR, Papizan JB, Sussel L, Regulation of Neurod1 contributes to the lineage potential of Neurogenin3+ endocrine precursor cells in the pancreas. PLoS Genet. 2013 Feb;9(2):e1003278
1J:93570 Mellitzer G, Martin M, Sidhoum-Jenny M, Orvain C, Barths J, Seymour PA, Sander M, Gradwohl G, Pancreatic islet progenitor cells in neurogenin 3-yellow fluorescent protein knock-add-on mice. Mol Endocrinol. 2004 Nov;18(11):2765-76
1J:183486 Metzger DE, Gasperowicz M, Otto F, Cross JC, Gradwohl G, Zaret KS, The transcriptional co-repressor Grg3/Tle3 promotes pancreatic endocrine progenitor delamination and beta-cell differentiation. Development. 2012 Apr;139(8):1447-56
1*J:130176 Nammo T, Yamagata K, Tanaka T, Kodama T, Sladek FM, Fukui K, Katsube F, Sato Y, Miyagawa J, Shimomura I, Expression of HNF-4alpha (MODY1), HNF-1beta (MODY5), and HNF-1alpha (MODY3) proteins in the developing mouse pancreas. Gene Expr Patterns. 2008 Jan;8(2):96-106
1*J:132598 Nishimura W, Rowan S, Salameh T, Maas RL, Bonner-Weir S, Sell SM, Sharma A, Preferential reduction of beta cells derived from Pax6-MafB pathway in MafB deficient mice. Dev Biol. 2008 Feb 15;314(2):443-56
1J:321242 Nivlet L, Herrmann J, Martin DE, Meunier A, Orvain C, Gradwohl G, Expression and functional studies of the GDNF family receptor alpha 3 in the pancreas. J Mol Endocrinol. 2016 Feb;56(2):77-90
1J:253982 Norlin S, Parekh V, Edlund H, The ATPase activity of Asna1/TRC40 is required for pancreatic progenitor cell survival. Development. 2018 Jan 3;145(1):dev154468
1J:152582 Oliver-Krasinski JM, Kasner MT, Yang J, Crutchlow MF, Rustgi AK, Kaestner KH, Stoffers DA, The diabetes gene Pdx1 regulates the transcriptional network of pancreatic endocrine progenitor cells in mice. J Clin Invest. 2009 Jul;119(7):1888-98
1J:306470 Osipovich AB, Dudek KD, Greenfest-Allen E, Cartailler JP, Manduchi E, Potter Case L, Choi E, Chapman AG, Clayton HW, Gu G, Stoeckert CJ Jr, Magnuson MA, A developmental lineage-based gene co-expression network for mouse pancreatic beta-cells reveals a role for Zfp800 in pancreas development. Development. 2021 Mar 21;148(6):dev196964
1J:214095 Osipovich AB, Long Q, Manduchi E, Gangula R, Hipkens SB, Schneider J, Okubo T, Stoeckert CJ Jr, Takada S, Magnuson MA, Insm1 promotes endocrine cell differentiation by modulating the expression of a network of genes that includes Neurog3 and Ripply3. Development. 2014 Aug;141(15):2939-49
1J:245924 Pauerstein PT, Tellez K, Willmarth KB, Park KM, Hsueh B, Efsun Arda H, Gu X, Aghajanian H, Deisseroth K, Epstein JA, Kim SK, A radial axis defined by semaphorin-to-neuropilin signaling controls pancreatic islet morphogenesis. Development. 2017 Oct 15;144(20):3744-3754
1J:168022 Pelling M, Anthwal N, McNay D, Gradwohl G, Leiter AB, Guillemot F, Ang SL, Differential requirements for neurogenin 3 in the development of POMC and NPY neurons in the hypothalamus. Dev Biol. 2011 Jan 15;349(2):406-16
1J:209016 Piccand J, Meunier A, Merle C, Jia Z, Barnier JV, Gradwohl G, Pak3 promotes cell cycle exit and differentiation of beta-cells in the embryonic pancreas and is necessary to maintain glucose homeostasis in adult mice. Diabetes. 2014 Jan;63(1):203-15
1J:292845 Piccand J, Vagne C, Blot F, Meunier A, Beucher A, Strasser P, Lund ML, Ghimire S, Nivlet L, Lapp C, Petersen N, Engelstoft MS, Thibault-Carpentier C, Keime C, Correa SJ, Schreiber V, Molina N, Schwartz TW, De Arcangelis A, Gradwohl G, Rfx6 promotes the differentiation of peptide-secreting enteroendocrine cells while repressing genetic programs controlling serotonin production. Mol Metab. 2019 Nov;29:24-39
1J:168019 Plank JL, Mundell NA, Frist AY, LeGrone AW, Kim T, Musser MA, Walter TJ, Labosky PA, Influence and timing of arrival of murine neural crest on pancreatic beta cell development and maturation. Dev Biol. 2011 Jan 15;349(2):321-30
1J:315740 Prevot PP, Augereau C, Simion A, Van den Steen G, Dauguet N, Lemaigre FP, Jacquemin P, Let-7b and miR-495 stimulate differentiation and prevent metaplasia of pancreatic acinar cells by repressing HNF6. Gastroenterology. 2013 Sep;145(3):668-78.e3
1J:251520 Pujadas G, Cervantes S, Tutusaus A, Ejarque M, Sanchez L, Garcia A, Esteban Y, Fargas L, Alsina B, Hartmann C, Gomis R, Gasa R, Wnt9a deficiency discloses a repressive role of Tcf7l2 on endocrine differentiation in the embryonic pancreas. Sci Rep. 2016 Jan 14;6:19223
1*J:246476 Raum JC, Soleimanpour SA, Groff DN, Core N, Fasano L, Garratt AN, Dai C, Powers AC, Stoffers DA, Tshz1 Regulates Pancreatic beta-Cell Maturation. Diabetes. 2015 Aug;64(8):2905-14
1J:329047 Rodriguez UA, Dahiya S, Raymond ML, Gao C, Martins-Cargill CP, Piganelli JD, Gittes GK, Hu J, Esni F, Focal adhesion kinase-mediated signaling controls the onset of pancreatic cell differentiation. Development. 2022 Sep 1;149(17):dev200761
1*J:117800 Rukstalis JM, Habener JF, Snail2, a mediator of epithelial-mesenchymal transitions, expressed in progenitor cells of the developing endocrine pancreas. Gene Expr Patterns. 2007 Feb;7(4):471-9
1J:65594 Sander M, Sussel L, Conners J, Scheel D, Kalamaras J, Dela Cruz F, Schwitzgebel V, Hayes-Jordan A, German M, Homeobox gene Nkx6.1 lies downstream of Nkx2.2 in the major pathway of beta-cell formation in the pancreas. Development. 2000 Dec;127(24):5533-40
1*J:63215 Schwitzgebel VM, Scheel DW, Conners JR, Kalamaras J, Lee JE, Anderson DJ, Sussel L, Johnson JD, German MS, Expression of neurogenin3 reveals an islet cell precursor population in the pancreas. Development. 2000 Aug;127(16):3533-42
1J:297252 Seymour PA, Collin CA, Egeskov-Madsen AR, Jorgensen MC, Shimojo H, Imayoshi I, de Lichtenberg KH, Kopan R, Kageyama R, Serup P, Jag1 Modulates an Oscillatory Dll1-Notch-Hes1 Signaling Module to Coordinate Growth and Fate of Pancreatic Progenitors. Dev Cell. 2020 Mar 23;52(6):731-747.e8
1J:141017 Seymour PA, Freude KK, Dubois CL, Shih HP, Patel NA, Sander M, A dosage-dependent requirement for Sox9 in pancreatic endocrine cell formation. Dev Biol. 2008 Nov 1;323(1):19-30
1J:119758 Seymour PA, Freude KK, Tran MN, Mayes EE, Jensen J, Kist R, Scherer G, Sander M, SOX9 is required for maintenance of the pancreatic progenitor cell pool. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Feb 6;104(6):1865-70
1J:338071 Sharon N, Chawla R, Mueller J, Vanderhooft J, Whitehorn LJ, Rosenthal B, Gurtler M, Estanboulieh RR, Shvartsman D, Gifford DK, Trapnell C, Melton D, A Peninsular Structure Coordinates Asynchronous Differentiation with Morphogenesis to Generate Pancreatic Islets. Cell. 2019 Feb 7;176(4):790-804.e13
1J:185601 Shih HP, Kopp JL, Sandhu M, Dubois CL, Seymour PA, Grapin-Botton A, Sander M, A Notch-dependent molecular circuitry initiates pancreatic endocrine and ductal cell differentiation. Development. 2012 Jul;139(14):2488-99
1J:156925 Smith SB, Qu HQ, Taleb N, Kishimoto NY, Scheel DW, Lu Y, Patch AM, Grabs R, Wang J, Lynn FC, Miyatsuka T, Mitchell J, Seerke R, Desir J, Eijnden SV, Abramowicz M, Kacet N, Weill J, Renard ME, Gentile M, Hansen I, Dewar K, Hattersley AT, Wang R, Wilson ME, Johnson JD, Polychronakos C, German MS, Rfx6 directs islet formation and insulin production in mice and humans. Nature. 2010 Feb 11;463(7282):775-80
1*J:155929 Soyer J, Flasse L, Raffelsberger W, Beucher A, Orvain C, Peers B, Ravassard P, Vermot J, Voz ML, Mellitzer G, Gradwohl G, Rfx6 is an Ngn3-dependent winged helix transcription factor required for pancreatic islet cell development. Development. 2010 Jan;137(2):203-12
1J:245178 Spaeth JM, Gupte M, Perelis M, Yang YP, Cyphert H, Guo S, Liu JH, Guo M, Bass J, Magnuson MA, Wright C, Stein R, Defining a Novel Role for the Pdx1 Transcription Factor in Islet beta-Cell Maturation and Proliferation During Weaning. Diabetes. 2017 Nov;66(11):2830-2839
1J:280517 Spaeth JM, Liu JH, Peters D, Guo M, Osipovich AB, Mohammadi F, Roy N, Bhushan A, Magnuson MA, Hebrok M, Wright CVE, Stein R, The Pdx1-Bound Swi/Snf Chromatin Remodeling Complex Regulates Pancreatic Progenitor Cell Proliferation and Mature Islet beta-Cell Function. Diabetes. 2019 Sep;68(9):1806-1818
1J:198781 Sugiyama T, Benitez CM, Ghodasara A, Liu L, McLean GW, Lee J, Blauwkamp TA, Nusse R, Wright CV, Gu G, Kim SK, Reconstituting pancreas development from purified progenitor cells reveals genes essential for islet differentiation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Jul 30;110(31):12691-6
1J:160577 van Arensbergen J, Garcia-Hurtado J, Moran I, Maestro MA, Xu X, Van de Casteele M, Skoudy AL, Palassini M, Heimberg H, Ferrer J, Derepression of Polycomb targets during pancreatic organogenesis allows insulin-producing beta-cells to adopt a neural gene activity program. Genome Res. 2010 Jun;20(6):722-32
1J:156550 Vetere A, Li WC, Paroni F, Juhl K, Guo L, Nishimura W, Dai X, Bonner-Weir S, Sharma A, OVO homologue-like 1 (Ovol1) transcription factor: a novel target of neurogenin-3 in rodent pancreas. Diabetologia. 2010 Jan;53(1):115-22
1*J:281142 Wade AK, Liu Y, Bethea MM, Toren E, Tse HM, Hunter CS, LIM-domain transcription complexes interact with ring-finger ubiquitin ligases and thereby impact islet beta-cell function. J Biol Chem. 2019 Aug 2;294(31):11728-11740
1J:87406 Wang J, Elghazi L, Parker SE, Kizilocak H, Asano M, Sussel L, Sosa-Pineda B, The concerted activities of Pax4 and Nkx2.2 are essential to initiate pancreatic beta-cell differentiation. Dev Biol. 2004 Feb 1;266(1):178-89
1*J:127471 Wang S, Zhang J, Zhao A, Hipkens S, Magnuson MA, Gu G, Loss of Myt1 function partially compromises endocrine islet cell differentiation and pancreatic physiological function in the mouse. Mech Dev. 2007 Nov-Dec;124(11-12):898-910
1J:280793 Wang Y, Sun J, Ni Q, Nie A, Gu Y, Wang S, Zhang W, Ning G, Wang W, Wang Q, Dual Effect of Raptor on Neonatal beta-Cell Proliferation and Identity Maintenance. Diabetes. 2019 Oct;68(10):1950-1964
1J:132695 Wilding Crawford L, Tweedie Ables E, Oh YA, Boone B, Levy S, Gannon M, Gene expression profiling of a mouse model of pancreatic islet dysmorphogenesis. PLoS One. 2008;3(2):e1611
1J:220744 Xu EE, Krentz NA, Tan S, Chow SZ, Tang M, Nian C, Lynn FC, SOX4 cooperates with neurogenin 3 to regulate endocrine pancreas formation in mouse models. Diabetologia. 2015 May;58(5):1013-23
1J:293336 Yang X, Graff SM, Heiser CN, Ho KH, Chen B, Simmons AJ, Southard-Smith AN, David G, Jacobson DA, Kaverina I, Wright CVE, Lau KS, Gu G, Coregulator Sin3a Promotes Postnatal Murine beta-Cell Fitness by Regulating Genes in Ca(2+) Homeostasis, Cell Survival, Vesicle Biosynthesis, Glucose Metabolism, and Stress Response. Diabetes. 2020 Jun;69(6):1219-1231
1J:177082 Yang Y, Chang BH, Yechoor V, Chen W, Li L, Tsai MJ, Chan L, The Kruppel-like zinc finger protein GLIS3 transactivates neurogenin 3 for proper fetal pancreatic islet differentiation in mice. Diabetologia. 2011 Oct;54(10):2595-605
1J:238418 Yang YP, Magnuson MA, Stein R, Wright CV, The mammal-specific Pdx1 Area II enhancer has multiple essential functions in early endocrine cell specification and postnatal beta-cell maturation. Development. 2017 Jan 15;144(2):248-257
1J:138651 Yoshida T, Shiraki N, Baba H, Goto M, Fujiwara S, Kume K, Kume S, Expression patterns of epiplakin1 in pancreas, pancreatic cancer and regenerating pancreas. Genes Cells. 2008 Jul;13(7):667-78
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